Abdul Tom Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Tom)


Custom Jazzmaster, Custom Les Paul-ish guitar, and Custom 24 fret...

Abdul Tom. Newbie. Join Date: Mar 2010; Posts: 1. # , 05:27 PM. dude, do you still have any of these? Comment. Cancel Post

SurfGuitar101.com | Forums: POST your Main Rig Pics

Abdul tom wrote: "How's that Supersonic Twin? Been looking at those myself. Was a bit put off by the lack of Presence control." It has sort of ...

DonGeronimoShow: Today's show wowo: Paula Abdul, Tom Watson, 24hr

DonGeronimoShow: Today's show wowo: Paula Abdul, Tom Watson, 24hr vet clinics, visiting family, the Feeding Room, & an irate listener ...
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