Ahmed Ka Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Ka)


The Indications for Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy ( )

Results on 550 patients in the German Laparoscopic Pancreas Registry in comparison to other registries Vijan SS, Ahmed KA, Harmsen WS, et al.:

Yaron da aka zarga da haɗa bam ya ɗaukaka - BBC News Hausa

'Yan sanda a Texas sun yi watsi da tuhumar da suke yi wa wani yaro ɗan shekaru 14 a game da wani agogo da ya ƙirƙiro wanda suka ce ya yi kama da bam.

Ahmed ka tashan on 'DID' - Worldnews.com

Ahmed Khan has donned the role of an actor, choreographer, director and writer. And now, he is a part of a reality show 'DID — Dance Ka Tashan' as a judge. And

Diblomaasiyaddi Jabuuti oo ka Dhamaan la, Dhooqo ay Cagaha la Gasho....

Ahmed ka Waaliye wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqi lahaa in dadka saylac iyo Lughaya ku nool ay isku isir iyo abtirsiin yihiin madaxda jabuuti inta ugu tunka wayna ay dhulka
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Vorname "Ahmed" (7738)
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