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Alan Wake PS4 and Xbox One remaster teased as Remedy regain rights |...
Developer Remedy now own the rights to cult hit Alan Wake and are already hinting about a current gen multiformat remaster.
Alan Wake 2: Erscheint die Fortsetzung erst für PS4 und Xbox 720? -...
In der Vergangenheit tauchten immer wieder Gerüchte zu einem möglichen Alan Wake 2 auf. Eine offizielle Ankündigung seitens Microsoft oder Entwickler Remedy...
Alan Wake Seems Set for PS4 After Remedy Acquires Rights ...www.pushsquare.com ›
Xbox 360 exclusive on the way - Update: Remedy Entertainment has told Eurogamer.net that it "could bring Alan Wake to diff...
Alan Wake dev bringing its new game to PS4 via Northlight Engine -...
The developer behind Alan Wake has confirmed it is beavering away on a new title codenamed P7, and what's more, it's working on bringing the project to the PlayStation 4. Previously, the Finnish studio has had a long-standing relationship with Microsoft's Xbox family, with Alan Wake and Quantum Break ...
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