Alec Baldwin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alec Baldwin)


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Paul Giamatti joins 'Rock of Ages' musical
[Digital Spy] - Giamatti joins the already confirmed Tom Cruise, as well as Julianne Hough as Sherrie, Alec Baldwin as Dennis and singer Mary J. Blige as Justice. "I have been a huge fan of Paul Giamatti's work since I became aware of him," Shankman explained in the

Google News: A korosodó színésznő választotta ki ágybéli helyettesítőjét

[Bors] - Natalie Portman, Penélope Cruz, Sharon Stone, Prad Pitt, Nicolas Cage, Alec Baldwin – íme néhány világsztár, akit filmjeiben kisebb vagy nagyobb részben dublőrök helyettesí…k. És nem csak a veszélyes jelenetekben. Akad, akinek a vádlijához vagy

It's April: Time for poetry
[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - The program this year will be April 27 at Lincoln Center with stars such as Alec Baldwin, Patti Smith, Jesse Eisenberg and Meryl Streep, perhaps reading poetry in various accents. Otherwise, the local poetry scene is subdued these days without the

Indians run well at Cherokee
[Estherville Daily News] - By David Swartz - Managing Editor , Estherville Daily News Coach Brad Travis said the medley relay's time of 3 minutes seconds should qualify the … of Luke Kabele, Aric Waltz, Kayne Feldick and Alec Baldwin for the Drake Relays.
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