Alexander Nikitin und Chess Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alexander Nikitin)
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Alexander Nikitin obituaryThe Times
— Alexander Nikitin obituary: Chess player and coach who took on a ten-year-old Garry Kasparov as his student and guided him to the world ...

Coaching him up: Kasparov chess mentor Nikitin left a lasting › news › jun › garry-kas...
· Alexander Nikitin, who died June 5 in Moscow at the age of 87, was a promising Soviet junior player and a respectably strong IM in a country ...

Alexander Nikitin ( ) - International Chess Federation
5. Juni · Alexander Nikitin passed away. We will remember him as an outstanding coach, without whom Kasparov might not have become the great Kasparov. A strong International Master himself, Nikitin retired from chess at some point, concentrating on scientific research, but returned to the game he loved and became one of the most distinguished ...

Alexander Nikitin, Who Coached a Chess Champion, Dies at › topic › moscow › nytimes
The New York Times - Alexander Nikitin, the principal coach of the world chess champion Garry Kasparov from the time Mr. Kasparov was 10 until years after ...