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Heise.de: Alfred Deller - Portrait Of A Voice (UK) ab € 19,79 (2020) | heise...
Günstige Preise für Filme DVD: Musik sowie Bewertungen und Meinungen zu diesem und vielen weiteren Produkten finden Sie bei heise online
Spiegel.de: Countertenor Alfred Deller: LSD zum Hören - DER SPIEGEL
Er erfand den Stimmbalsam im Schallplatten-Zeitalter neu: Alfred Deller lüftet auf einer DVD das Geheimnis seines narkotischen Countertenors - des besten aller...
He Sings Higher - TIME
· Enter England's Alfred Deller, who, starting in the mid-1940s, singlehandedly revived countertenor singing. Deller inspired Benjamin Britten to ...
Les 100 ans d'Alfred Deller - Europe 1www.europe1.fr › ... › Le grand classique
· Alfred Deller, aurait eu 100 ans cette année. Harmonia Mundi lui rend hommage en sortant un coffret de 4 CD retraçant sa carrière.
Todestag Alfred Deller | NDR.de - Nachrichten - NDR Info
Stichtag 16. Juli 1979: Der Todestag des britischen Sängers Alfred Deller
Guardian: Alfred Deller: a voice from the past | Classical music | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › music › may › alfred-deller...
· On the centenary of the great countertenor's birth, his grandson Toby Deller recalls how he came to know and love his music.
Gedenkt und würdigt Alfred Deller!-----(bach-cantatas.com schreibt:) "Alfred Deller (Counter-tenor) Born: May 31, Margate, England Died: July 16,
BBC Radio 3 - The Early Music Show, Alfred Deller Centenary
Catherine Bott celebrates the life and work of pioneering countertenor Alfred Deller.
Hoch-voluminöse Männerstimme (Archiv)
Es wirkte für die Pioniere der historischen Aufführungspraxis, Gustav Leonhard und Nikolaus Harnoncourt, wie eine Revolution, als in England ein Sänger mit...
John Turner - Alumni Stories - Stockport Grammar School
John Turner is one of the leading recorder players of today. Born in Stockport, he was Senior Scholar in Law at Fitzwilliam College Cambridge before pursuing a...
This week's new releases ARIAwww.aria.com.au › charts › news › this-weeks-new-releases
Aug 16, · Alfred Deller, Lute Songs; Purcell: Come, Ye Sons Of Art, Universal. Ardours, Last Place ... Various, Jazz Chill, ABC Classics/Universal. Various ...
Natural High | January 11, Air Mailairmail.news › issues › natural-high
· ... century, there were really only two to reckon with: in the U.K., the soothing Alfred Deller, and in the U.S., the spooky Russell Oberlin.
The grisly history of the men who sang like women - BBC Culturewww.bbc.com › culture › article › the-fa...
· Although pioneering countertenors such as Alfred Deller, James Bowman, David Daniels and Andreas Scholl are widely celebrated in the ...
Innerlichkeit - This Mortal Coil: Alfred Deller
Alfred Deller, Countertenor Geboren am 31.Mai in Margate (England) Gestorben am 16.Juli in Bologna (Italien) ...
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