Alvin Toffler und American Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alvin Toffler)
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"Future Shock" author Alvin Toffler has died at age 87
Alvin Toffler, the U.S. author whose visions of accelerating social change guided Chinese leaders, American politicians and business moguls ...

globo: G1 - Alvin Toffler, autor futurista, morre aos 87 anos nos Estados...

Alvin Toffler, autor e visionário americano conhecido por seus inúmeros best-sellers, incluindo "Choque do Futuro" e "A Terceira Onda", ...

Alvin Toffler, futurologist – obituary
Alvin Toffler, who has died aged 87, was an American cult sociologist who coined the term “future shock”, defining it as “the shattering...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Alvin Toffler
Vorname "Alvin" (1044)
Name "Toffler" (4)