News Andrea Gros

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African Development Bank, Nigerian Government, and IITA join forces...
Andrea Gros, Head of Communication, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture . Godwin Atser, Communication & Knowledge Exchange ...

ICARDA Launches Global Pulses Research Platform in India
contact Andrea Gros, ICARDA Head of Communication at This email ...

ICARDA welcomes new Head of CODIS | ICARDA
Ms. Andrea Gros joins as the new Head of ICARDA's Communication, Documentation and Information Services Unit (CODIS).

Eine Zeitungs-Achterbahn! - Siegen
nb - Huch, na das sind mal große Papierrollen! Fast könnte man meinen, dass hier ein Riese sein Lager eingerichtet hat – jede Rolle an sich ist schon...

Khmer Institute for Democracy police training workshop on witness...
Khmer Institute for Democracy police training workshop on witness protection addressed by Andrea Gros, Outreach Advisor in Victims Unit and Nuon Pharat of OCIJ