Andreas Seeger und University Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andreas Seeger)
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Prof. Andreas Seeger (University of Wisconsin at Madison)Mathematisches Seminar
— Prof. Andreas Seeger (University of Wisconsin at Madison): "The Nevo-Thangavelu spherical maximal operator on 2-step Carnot groups“ — Prof. Andreas Seeger (University of Wisconsin at Madison): "The Nevo-Thangavelu spherical maximal operator on 2-step Carnot groups“.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Seeger, University of Wisconsin at MadisonMathematisches Seminar
— Prof. Dr. Andreas Seeger, University of Wisconsin at Madison: "Maximal operators associated with singular integrals along homogeneous curves ...

The Haar system as a basis in various function spacesMathematisches Seminar
Dr. Andreas Seeger, University of Wisconsin-Madison: "The Haar system as a basis in various function spaces" von 16:15 bis 17:15.

Rajula Srivastava wins the AWM Dissertation Prize HCM
vor 2 Tagen — Rajula Srivastava received her Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2022, under the supervision of Andreas Seeger. › raj...