Andy Ruiz und Deontay Wilder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andy Ruiz)
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Oleksandr Usyk sends message to Deontay Wilder after being › Sport › Boxing
vor 6 Tagen · Wilder has since been ordered to square off against Andy Ruiz Jr in a WBC final eliminator for a shot at Fury's green strap.

Andy Ruiz Jr - News, views, gossip, pictures, video - The › all-about › andy-ruiz-jr
Andy Ruiz Jr · Deontay Wilder moves step closer to securing FOURTH fight with Tyson Fury · Eddie Hearn told Anthony Joshua to "f*** off" after chat over Andy Ruiz ...

Deontay Wilder vs. Andy Ruiz ordered by WBC - Sporting › boxing › news › deontay-...
· Two former heavyweight champions, Deontay Wilder and Andy Ruiz Jr., are ready to reclaim gold. The World Boxing Council recently ordered a ...
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Person "Ruiz" (3)
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Name "Ruiz" (13450)