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AbeBooks: Wavelet Methods - Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and...
Wavelet Methods - Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control Problems von Angela Kunoth und eine große Auswahl von ähnlichen neuen, gebrauchten und...
Einen Moment, bitte...
Wavelet Methods - Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control Problems, Buch (kartoniert) von Angela Kunoth bei hugendubel.de. Portofrei ...
Splines and PDEs: From Approximation Theory to Numerical Linear...
Cetraro, Italy Angela Kunoth, Tom Lyche, Giancarlo Sangalli, Stefano ... Multilevel Preconditioning (Verlag Shaker, Aachen, 1994) A. Kunoth, Wavelet ...
Frontiers of Numerical Analysis: Durham 2004books.google.com › books
Wavelet–Based Multiresolution Methods for Stationary PDEs and PDE-Constrained Control Problems Angela Kunoth Universität Bonn, Institut für Angewandte ...
Angela Kunoth - dblpdblp.org › Angela Kunoth
· Angela Kunoth, Jan Sahner: Wavelets on manifolds: An optimized construction. Math. Comput. 75(255): (2006). a service of Schloss ...
Veranstaltungskalender der Bonner Mathematik
Professor Jan Denef (U Leuven): Arc spaces and motivic zeta functions ... Prof. Dr. Angela Kunoth (Univ. Bonn): Einige Aspekte zu Waveletansätzen für Operatorgleichungen ...
Wavelet Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control...
Wavelet Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control Problems by. Angela Kunoth University of Bonn, Institute for Applied Mathematics.
Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Methods for Stationary PDEs and ...link.springer.com › chapter
Authors; Authors and affiliations. Angela Kunoth ... [K1]. A. Kunoth, Multilevel Preconditioning, Verlag Shaker, Aachen zbMATHGoogle Scholar. [K2].
Wavelet Methods — Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Springerwww.springer.com › book
boundary value problems and control problems to show the conceptual strengths of wavelet techniques. Show all. About the authors. Prof. Dr. Angela Kunoth, ...
Wavelet Methods — Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control...
This research monograph deals with applying recently developed wavelet methods to stationary operator equations involving elliptic differential equations....
Angela Kunoth - Google Akademik Alıntılar
İptal. Angela Kunoth. Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany. Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Control Problems, Wavelet and Multiscale Methods, Data Analysis.
Angela Kunoth - Google 学术搜索
Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany - 引用次数:2,436 次 - Numerical Analysis of PDEs - Control Problems - Wavelet and Multiscale Methods - Data Analysis
Angela Kunoth - Google 학술 검색
Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany - 인용 횟수 2,434번 - Numerical Analysis of PDEs - Control Problems - Wavelet and Multiscale Methods - Data Analysis
Details: Angela Kunoth
Angela Kunoth. On the Photo: Kunoth, Angela. Occasion:Wavelet and Multiscale Methods. Location: Oberwolfach. Author: Schmid, Renate (photos ...
(PDF) Wavelet and Multiscale Methods | Angela Kunoth und Wolfgang...
Wavelet and Multiscale Methods Organised by Albert Cohen (Paris) Wolfgang Dahmen (Aachen) Ronald A. DeVore (Columbia) Angela Kunoth (Bonn) ...
(PDF) Fast iterative solution of elliptic control problems in wavelet...
Fast iterative solution of elliptic control problems in wavelet discretization
@PROCEEDINGS{1991:CWQ, TITLE = "Conference on Water ...www.ddm.org › Bibtex › ddm
... and Angela Kunoth", TITLE = "Wavelet Stabilization and Preconditioning for ... Flows for Spaceflight Applications (in German)", PUBLISHER = "Shaker Verlag, ...
Wavelet Methods - Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control...
Wavelet Methods - Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Control Problems von Angela Kunoth - Englische Bücher zum Genre günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online...
(PDF) Biorthogonal Spline Wavelets on the Interval—Stability and...
Biorthogonal Spline Wavelets on the Interval—Stability and Moment Conditions
(PDF) Wavelet Analysis of Geoscientific Data | Hans-Peter Helfrich ...www.academia.edu › Wavelet_Analysis_of_Geoscientific_Data
69 Thomas Gerstner, Hans-Peter Helfrich, and Angela Kunoth Diffusion Methods for ... Map scale and resolution can be linked in case we define the basic ...
CiteSeerX — Biorthogonal Spline-Wavelets on the Interval - Stability...
... Errors · Monitor Changes. by Wolfgang Dahmen , Angela Kunoth , Karsten Urban ... author = {Wolfgang Dahmen and Angela Kunoth and Karsten Urban},
KIT-Bibliothek: Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog KVK : Ergebnisanzeigekvk.bibliothek.kit.edu › hylib-bin › kvk › nph-kvk2 › html › footer.html
Wavelets in numerical analysis and their quantitative properties / Wolfgang Dahmen, Angela Kunoth and Karsten Urban. Institut für Geometrie und Praktische ...
CiteSeerX — Two applications of adaptive wavelet methods
BibTeX. @INPROCEEDINGS{Kunoth_twoapplications, author = {Angela Kunoth and Angela Kunoth}, title = {Two applications of adaptive wavelet methods},
Multiscale wavelet methods for partial differential equations ...link.umsl.edu › portal › Multiscale-wavelet-methods...
... wavelets / Titus Barsch, Angela Kunoth, and Karsten Urban -- Scaling function and wavelet preconditioners for second order elliptic problems / Jeonghwan Ko, ...
Jahresbericht Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und...
Angela Kunoth entwickelt Multiskalen- und Waveletmethoden zur und Elektrische Antriebstechnik Band 3, Shaker Verlag Aachen, Romaus, C.; ...
Max Gunzburger and Angela Kunoth tive method with guaranteed convergence can be formulated on the infinite system of equations. Last and most importantly ...
Operations Research Proceedings 2005: Selected Papers of the ...epdf.pub › operations-research-proceedings selected-papers-of-the-a...
Wavelet Schemes for Linear–Quadratic Elliptic Control Problems Angela Kunoth Shaker Verlag, Aachen 6. Gentner ... Verlag V. Florenz GmbH, M¨ unchen 7.
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