Bajram Mulaku und Kosovo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bajram Mulaku)
(1 - 12 von 17
) Western Balkan Exodus Puts Pressure on Germany and EU - DER SPIEGEL

More than a third of all asylum-seekers arriving in Germany come from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia. Young, poor and disillusioned with their home countries, they...

Signing Memorandum of Understanding with Vushtrri/Vučitrn › AKT-LS › index.php › news › 62-s...
Vushtrri/Vučitrn, April 29, – USAID/Kosovo Director James Hope and the Mayor of Vushtrri/Vučitrn Bajram Mulaku signed the Memoranda of Understanding ...

Kosovo - Flucht aus der Hoffnungslosigkeit - Bayern - Sü
Bayerns Europaministerin Merk versucht im Kosovo die Ausreisewelle zu stoppen. Die Menschen haben kaum eine Chance auf Asyl hier.

The Old Problems of the Old City - BIRN - Balkan Investigative › news-and-events › old-problems-old-...
· For three mandates in a row, Mayor Bajram Mulaku promised to provide drinkable water. During BIRN Kosovo's mayoral debate series #DebatPernime ...