Bernd Brust Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bernd Brust)


(1 - 4 von 49

HNA › frankenbergKindertagesstätte kostet jetzt Millionen Euro
— Das gaben die beiden Architekten Bernd Brust und Dieter Wolf in einer gemeinsamen Sitzung der Allendorfer Ausschüsse bekannt. Bisher waren ...

BioPharma APAC
— Antylia Scientific Chairman and CEO Bernd Brust said, "As a part of Antylia Scientific, the Masterflex Bioprocessing business has achieved ...

BioSpectrum Asia
— ... Bernd Brust, Chairman & CEO, Antylia Scientific. Antylia Scientific is creating two operating divisions, bioprocessing and life sciences ...

Kirkland & Ellis LLP
— ... Bernd Brust and the Cole-Parmer management team. As part of the transaction, GTCR will acquire a majority stake in Cole-Parmer, while Golden ...
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