Bobby Fischer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bobby Fischer)


(1 - 4 von 48
) Bobby Fischer - DER SPIEGEL

5. Aug · Ex-Schachweltmeister Bobby Fischer führte ein Leben voller Exzentrik, Wahnsinn und Hass. Jetzt ist er auf Island im Alter von 64 Jahren an Nierenversagen gestorben. Von Dennis Kayser

Guardian: Profile of chess champion Bobby Fischer | SportThe Guardian

He also won eight US chess championship titles - a record not likely to be broken. In he co-authored Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, the bestselling chess ...

When Henry Kissinger called chess legend Bobby Fischer ...The Indian Express
— The World Championship match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky in — called the Match of the Century — almost didn't happen.

Bobby Fischer: The greatest chess player of them all?The Independent
— Bobby Fischer was one of the greatest chess players of all time and an inspiration for generations of young players following his world ...
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