Charlotte E. Purdie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Charlotte E. Purdie)


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'Why I opened a breastfeeding cafe' - BBC News
Charlotte Purdie has set up Nottingham's first purpose-built infant feeding cafe. "I gave birth in March last year and I couldn't find a place that felt clean or comfortable enough to feed my baby.

globo: Inglesa quer abrir primeiro café exclusivo para mães que estão...

Pelo mundo afora, constantemento vemos notícias sobre mulheres que foram impedidas de amamentar em público porque alguém reclamou. Enquanto muitas...

Young mum receives DEATH THREATS after opening UK's first breast...
Young mum receives DEATH THREATS after opening UK's first breast feeding café. Charlotte Purdie, 22, opened The Milk Lounge yesterday after suffering bad experiences while feeding her one-year

A breastfeeding cafe is about to open – and they're looking for › Lifestyle › Food
— It's the brainchild of 23-year-old Charlotte Purdie, who came up with the idea after feeling uncomfortable feeding her own son in coffee ...
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Vorname "Charlotte" (8021)
Name "Purdie" (29)
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