Chiara Adin und Event Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chiara Adin)
(1 - 15 von 16

Experiential Marketing Summit | Event Mark... | Qwoted
Erika Leone Director-Brand Communications and Integrated Marketing, SoundCloud. Chiara Adin Chief Creative Officer, NA Collective. Jovanca Maitland › event-ex...

As events get canceled or delayed, experiential marketing businesses...
— Last week, experiential marketing agency N/A Collective was ... people were wondering if we'd eat our shirts,” said Chiara Adin Moore, ... › marketing

Experiental Marketing Summit | Event Market... | Qwoted
Event Marketer hosts Experiental Marketing Summit on 14 May :30am EDT. Location: Caesars Palace, S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV , USA

The Event Industry Is Springing to Action to Fight COVID-19
'” Events industry coronavirus N/A Collective founders Chiara Adin Moore and Aaron Mason at the “H&M Ultimate Summer Kick Off”. › catalyst › ev...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Chiara Adin
Vorname "Chiara" (4242)
Name "Adin" (101)