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( Ich bin Chris Askew)


Google News: NCR ocupa su puesto más alto en la prestigiosa lista Global Outsourcing 100

[] de nuestra presencia global, podemos ayudar a nuestros clientes de servicios gestionados a reducir los costes operativos y ofrecer una mejor experiencia a sus respectivos clientes," declaró Chris Askew, vicepresidente senior de servicios de NCR.

Group recognizes NCR's outsourcing
[Self-Service World] development and continuously expanding our global footprint, we can help our managed-services customers lower operating costs and offer enhanced experience to their respective customers," said Chris Askew, senior vice president of NCR Services.

NCR earns its highest ranking to date in prestigious Global Outsourcing 100 list
[openPR (press release)] development and continuously expanding our global footprint we can help our managed services customers lower operating costs and offer an enhanced experience to their respective customers,” said Chris Askew, senior vice president of NCR Services.

Google News: NCR“全球外包服务一百强”榜单中膺最高排名

[比特网] - NCR服务副总裁Chris Askew说。“能够跻身IAOP的享负盛誉的名单,我们倍感骄傲。这也充分显示了我们始终坚持不懈地执行我们的策略,并不遗余力地专注于客户的需求。“ NCR在“员工管理”评核准则内多项要素令其脱颖而出,当
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