Christian Bromann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Bromann)


Christian Bromann
Christian Bromann is a member of the Open Source Program Office at Sauce Labs and is working on various open source projects related to test automation and Node.js. He represents the company as Advisory Committee representative at the W3C and the WebdriverIO project as core contributor in the OpenJS Foundation Cross-Project Council. In the past ...

OpenJS World 2021: secure.AllTheThings() - Make Security › event › securealltheth...
In this session, Justin Dolly, Chief Security Officer, and Christian Bromann ... Christian Bromann is a member of the Open Source Program Office at Sauce ...

Let the Engineers Speak—Selectors - Automated Visual › event › selectors-locators-cypress-...
· Speakers · Christian Bromann, WebdriverIO · Filip Hric, Cypress · Andrew Knight, The Automation Panda, Applitools.
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