Christian Dior Person-Info 

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Christian Dior SE
The latest international Christian Dior SE news and views from Reuters - one of the world's largest news agencies. The latest international Christian Dior SE news and views from Reuters - one of the world's largest news agencies.

globo: Christian Dior | Paris | Verão | Desfiles - Vogue

Christian Dior | Paris | Verão Por Paula Mageste h02 Atualizado há 6 dias ... Christian Dior | Paris | Verão Por Paula Mageste h02 Atualizado há 6 dias ...

Guardian: Dior

A model wears Christian Dior on the runway at Couture Spring in Paris. Dior's polished Paris show reflects blockbuster paradox of world we live in. A model wears Christian Dior on the runway at Couture Spring in Paris. Dior's polished Paris show reflects blockbuster paradox of world we live in.

The sorrow and saga behind Christian Dior's influential ...
— Against this backdrop, Christian Dior launched his debut collection in The reception was rapturous, the lines considered green shoots — Against this backdrop, Christian Dior launched his debut collection in The reception was rapturous, the lines considered green shoots.
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