Workshop "Modellierung des Systems Nutzpflanze-Boden -...
Kurt Christian Kersebaum Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft - Kommission VI (Bodentechnologie) Prof. Dr. Torsten Müller Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung .
Klimawandel schmälert Weizenernte
Mit Modellrechnungen weisen jetzt 53 Wissenschaftler aus 15 Ländern der Erde nach, dass jedes Grad der Erderwärmung eine um sechs Prozent geringere Ernte nach...
LinkedIn: Kurt Christian Kersebaum | LinkedIn
Kurt Christian Kersebaums berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Kurt Christian ...
Es fehlt: schroedel
Xing: Christian Kersebaum
Security Manager / Köln, Deutschland / DOS, Mobile, internationale Erfahrung, Programmierkenntnisse, ISO , IT Infrastruktur, Windows
Dr. rer. hort. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Kurt-Christian Kersebaum,...
Contact details, Curriculum Vitae, Pubications, Projects and teaching to Dr. rer. hort. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Kurt-Christian Kersebaum
Private Homepages
Dr. Kurt Christian Kersebaum - Global Change Research Institute CAS
Agro-ecosystem modelling with focus on water and matter dynamics, crop growth, climate change. Special interest on modeling of water and nitrogen dynamics and
Booktopia Search Results for 'Kurt Christian Kersebaum'. We sell...
Booktopia Bookshop search results for 'Kurt Christian Kersebaum'. The items we may sell online for these products are books, paperback, hardback, audio cds or...
adlibris.com: kurt christian kersebaum | Adlibris
Hos Adlibris hittar du miljontals böcker och produkter inom kurt christian kersebaum Vi har ett brett sortiment av böcker, garn, leksaker, pyssel,...
Handbook Of Climate Change And Agroecosystems: The Agricultural Model...
Kurt-Christian Kersebaum, Carmen Sosa, Elisabet Lewan, Jagadeesh Yeluripati,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling Wheat Response to High...
Christian Kersebaum Institute of Landscape Systems Analysis, Leibniz Centre for
Dokumente zum Namen
Food Security in the light of Climate Change and Bioenergy – Challeng…
Africa-Day at ZALF „Food Security in the light of Climate Change and Bioenergy – Challenges for Research in Sub-Saharan Africa“ Stefan Sieber et al.…
SCHATTENBLICK - BUCH/128: Landwirtschaft im Klimawandel (idw)
Elektronische Zeitschrift SCHATTENBLICK - Landwirtschaft - BUCH/128: Landwirtschaft im Klimawandel (idw) ... Kurt-Christian Kersebaum Institut für Landschaftssystemanalyse, ...
Kersebaum, Kurt Christian [WorldCat Identities]
Most widely held works by Kurt Christian Kersebaum. Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil-crop systems : proceedings of the Workshop on "Modelling ...
Geoökologisches Kolloquium
Einfluss der Landnutzung auf die Emission klimarelevanter Spurengase im globalen Kontext . Kurt Christian Kersebaum. Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF ...
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen
DFG - GEPRIS - Privatdozent Dr. Kurt-Christian Kersebaumgepris.dfg.de/gepris/person
Privatdozent Dr. Kurt-Christian Kersebaum, Arbeitsgruppe ÖkosystemmodellierungMüncheberg.
K.-C. Kersebaum - Associate Editors - Field Crops Research
Dr Kurt Christian Kersebaum is senior scientist at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research at Müncheberg/Germany. He is...
dblp: Kurt Christian Kersebaum
List of computer science publications by Kurt Christian Kersebaum
Veröffentlichungen allgemein
Publications Authored by Kurt Christian Kersebaum | PubFacts
Publications Authored by Kurt Christian Kersebaum
EconPapers: Is dry soil planting an adaptation strategy for maize...
... Frieder Graef, Kurt Christian Kersebaum and Stefan Sieber; Abstract: Abstract Agriculture has the greatest potential to lift the African continent ...
Video & Audio
Christian Kersebaum - YouTube
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Artikel & Meinungen
Adverse weather conditions for European wheat production will become...
Studies into the effects of climate change on crop yields have tended to focus on the average state of the climate. Now, research into the effects of adverse...
Model based estimation of nitrogen fertilization recommendations...
Introduction Weather conditions have a strong impact on crop growth and soil processes and their interactions. Nutrient, especially nitrogen management is...
Kersebaum, Kurt Christian (Person) - Bates College
... on "Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil-crop systems" held on June in Müncheberg, Germany, edited by Kurt Christian Kersebaum .
Workshop on Climatic Analysis and Mapping for Agriculture - ppt...
Outline Introduction Meteorological characterisation of the study area Agro-environmental measures in the Federal state of Brandenburg Modelling diffuse...
Lecture Notes in Informatics
Kurt Christian Kersebaum. Abstract. Der Klimawandel beeinflusst die Pflanzenproduktion sowie den damit verbundenen Wasserhaushalt.
... K. Christian Kersebaum, Andreas Meyer-Aurich, Brigitte Theuvsen (Hrsg.): Massendatenmanagement in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft: Erhebung ...
Project partners
LandCaRe Project partners: (from left to right: Barbara Köstner, ... PD Dr. K.-Christian Kersebaum: Dr. Wilfried Mirschel: Dr. Ralf Wieland: Dr. Claas Nendel: Dipl.-Ing.
... Johannes Franke, Horst Gömann, K. Christian Kersebaum, Peter Kreins, Matthias Kuhnert, Ralf Lindau, Remy Manderscheid, Heinz-Theo Mengelkamp, ...
A comprehensive data set demonstrating the spatial variability of...
Evelyn Wallor Leibniz Institure for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF); Kurt Christian Kersebaum Leibniz Institute for Agricultural ...
"Estimating crop yield potential at regional to national scales" by...
Justin van Wart, University of Nebraska-LincolnFollow · Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Institute of Landscape Systems AnalysisFollow · Shaobing Peng, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, ChinaFollow · Maribeth Milner, University of Nebraska-LincolnFollow · Kenneth Cassman, University of Nebraska - LincolnFollow ...
Missing: calvendo
Archive ouverte HAL - Comparing the performance of 11 crop simulation...
Tapio J. Salo, Taru Palosuo, Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Claas Nendel, Carlos Angulo, et al.. Comparing the performance of 11 crop simulation models in ...
"Consequences of climate change for the soil climate in Central...
Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Institute of Landscape Systems AnalysisFollow · Josef Eitzinger, CzechGlobe – Global Change Research CentreFollow
Data sets of spatial variable data from Precision Agriculture data |...
Data sets of spatial variable data from Precision Agriculture data
IST magazine archive
Neue Chancen für eine effizientere N-Düngung. PD Dr. Kurt-Christian Kersebaum. img. This content is only available to registered and logged ...
Management and spatial resolution effects on yield and water balance...
X-MOL提供的期刊论文更新,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology——Management and spatial resolution effects on yield and water balance at regional scale in crop models,Julie...
Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop rotations ...
Xiaogang Yin, Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Chris Kollas, Sanmohan Baby, Nicolas Beaudoin, et al.. Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop ...
Müncheberg field trial data set for agro-ecosystem model validation |...
Autoren: Wilfried Mirschel, Karl-Otto Wenkel, Martin Wegehenkel, Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Uwe Schindler, Jens-Martin Hecker. Verlag: Springer Netherlands.
CO Meeting Organizer EGU2018
Laura Klement, Martin Bach, Lutz Breuer, Claas Nendel, Kurt-Christian Kersebaum, Tommaso Stella, and Michael Berg-Mohnicke. A EGU
Program. July 9 15, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - PDF Free...
Col R. Ahern*, Doug Smith, Angus E. McElnea, Simon van Heel and Ole Wendroth* 1, Dennis Egli 1, K. Christian Kersebaum 2 and Donald ...
Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations...
... Michael Glotter, Florian Heinlein, Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Christian Klein, Claas Nendel, Eckart Priesack & 5 others Hélène Raynal, Consuelo C. Romero, ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Christian Kersebaum
Miroslav Trnka Anne Gobin Claas Nendel | Miroslav Gadosi Mirko Gadosi Marc Möllers | Jan Hvidberg Stefan Lübke Uwe Kersebaum |
Personen Vorname "Christian" (95886) Name "Kersebaum" (39) |
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