News Christian Medical

(1 - 18 von 18
) Künstliche Befruchtung: Britisches Parlament erlaubt drei Eltern -...

Großbritannien wird womöglich das erste Land, in dem Babys von drei Eltern künstlich gezeugt werden dürfen. Das britische Parlament stimmte für das ethisch...

Kritik an rezeptfreier Pille in Großbritannien
London – Der Plan einer rezeptfreien Abgabe der Pille in britischen Apotheken stößt auf Protest christlicher Ärzteverbände. Die „Christian Medical...

Christian Medical College: Latest News, Videos and Photos of...
Christian Medical College News: Latest and Breaking News on Christian Medical College. Explore Christian Medical College profile at Times of India for photos,...

Christian Medical College - ET › ... brings latest christian medical college news, views and updates from all top sources for the Indian Health industry.

Christian Medical College & Hospital First to Upgrade Elekta Compact...
LUDHIANA, India, July 11, PRNewswire/ -- Christian Medical College & Hospital (CMC) Ludhiana is the site of the first Elekta Compact'' ...

Christian Medical Pot Shop That Gives Patients Bibles, Prays Away...
A Christian couple in Sacramento, Calif., who say God told them to

Zwei Jahre Tsunami-Katastrophe: "Wir sahen keine Toten" |
Zwei Jahre sind seit der Tsunami-Katastrophe vergangen. Professor Prathap Tharyan leitet die Psychiatrie des Christian Medical College in Vellore ...

animal right activists: Medicos torture, kill monkey at Christian...
Four students of Christian Medical College, Vellore, have been accused of torturing and killing a female bonnet macaque. The students have been suspen

Q&A with Bishop Shoo, Overseer of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center
Bishop Shoo oversees the Good Samaritan Foundation, the parent organization for the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC) and the ... Δεν υπάρχουν: folkert ‎roggenkamp ‎verwaltungsgesellschaft ‎mbh

Toughest for Tamil Nadu patients to get donor stem cells | India News...
India News: It is harder for natives of Tamil Nadu to find a matching donor for a stem cell transplant compared to other states in the country. The suspected...

The Christian Medical Fellowship calls for ban on NHS ...
The Christian Medical Fellowship said financial incentives should be 'eradicated' immediately.

Christian medical groups urge conscience protections amid Covid › news › christian-medical-groups-urge-con...
· In a joint statement Tuesday, several Christian medical organizations highlighted the importance of conscience protections as COVID

The Christian Medical and Dental Association Is Begging Churches › culture › the-christian...
· The Christian Medical and Dental Association is an enormous and influential group of over Christian healthcare professionals in the ...

Christian Medical Fellowship slams 'draconian' guidance for...
Proposals to require Christian pharmacists to keep their religious convictions separate from their work have been branded "draconian" by the...

USCCB General Counsel, Partners Urge HHS to Protect Conscience Rights...
USCCB General Counsel, Partners Urge HHS to Protect Conscience Rights and Religious Freedom in Health Care Nondiscrimination Rules

Bias Fight Between Christian Medical Groups, HHS to Proceed (1) › health-law-and-business
· A federal district court judge in Texas is allowing a fight to proceed over whether the federal government can force certain Christian ...

What it means to be a Christian doctor
As churches mark Healthcare Sunday this weekend, we hear from Dr Sarah Maidment, a Christian junior doctor and member of the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) junior doctors' committee. I chose to study medicine, as I felt God was calling me to use the gifts and skills He had given me to help and ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Christian Medical
Vorname "Christian" (95886)
Name "Medical" (157)