Christina Hoff und Feminism Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christina Hoff)
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Aktuell im Web » Eine vernünftige Art des Feminismus
Ich habe noch einen Link zu einer offenbar sehr vernünftigen Autorin gefunden. Christina Hoff Sommers über Feminismus: Well, I don't really think w

Talk with Christina Hoff Sommers | Buckley Program
Trigger Warnings, Male-Shaming & Moral Panic: It's Time to Reboot Feminism

Robert Bork on radical feminism - These Last Days
Christina Hoff Sommers tells of attending a feminist conference at which the speakers, female professors tenured at good universities, were each introduced as "enraged". Nothing in their professional situations would seem to explain why women so fortunately placed are furious, but that is a requirement for membership in the radical sisterhood.