Christina Sass Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christina Sass)


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Scramble for Africa’s tech talent | Business | The Sunday Times
That is not the main selling point, though, according to co-founder Christina Sass. “When we pitch to clients, we definitely don't start with the cost of it,” she said. “We start with the fact that everybody needs extraordinary tech talent. It's hard to find [in America] and it's hard to maintain. Our pitch is that we had ...

Echt was los in Celle - Radio Bremen |
Das Landpartie-Fest zählt alljährlich zu den ganz großen besonderen Events im Norden. Dort ist dann buchstäblich echt was los. Am 20. und 21. Mai ist das...

African software engineer detained at US airport, given test to prove...
When Omin later spoke to LinkedIn, he mentioned that the questions to him seemed obscure and could have had multiple answers. Omin has more than seven years of experience in ... Andela were contacted to corroborate his story. Co-founder Christina Sass was the one to receive the call to defend Omin.

Engineered in Africa: 'We knew the talent was there' - BBC News
Christina Sass of software engineer recruitment firm Andela says that talent can be found anywhere.
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