Christoph Jurecka und Cfo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christoph Jurecka)
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Nach Vega-Absturz - Raumfahrt-Versicherung wird teurer - › article
· Christoph Jurecka, CFO of reinsurance company Munich Re Group speaks at the company's annual balance press conference in Munich, Germany ...

Munich Re CFO Jörg Schneider To Retire; Names Christoph › nachrichten
Munich Re CFO Jörg Schneider To Retire; Names Christoph Jurecka CFO. MUNICH (dpa-AFX) - German reinsurer Munich Re (0KFE.L) said ...

Munich Re CFO Jörg Schneider To Retire; Names Christoph Jurecka CFO
... Board of Munich Re has appointed Christoph Jurecka as his successor opportunities job prospects Amazon Alphabet Facebook LinkedIn.

Munich Re appoints new CFO - InsuranceAsia › christoph-jurecka-to-be-ne...
· Christoph Jurecka is set to replace Joerg Schneider as chief financial officer for Munich Re, the company announced.