Christopher Moseley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christopher Moseley)


(1 - 4 von 19

Jury selection begins in GM crash suit - UPI Archives
Jury selection began Wednesday in the first trial involving General Motors Corp. pickup trucks that are blamed for the deaths of as many as 300 motorists....

Are lost languages coming back? - BBC News
English may be the main language of Britain and its islands, but it's far from the only tongue in town. But while languages like Welsh, Irish and Scottish...

Lingue salvate, lingue perdute Il nuovo atlante delle parole -...
Dei 6 mila idiomi rischiano di sparireDei 6 mila idiomi rischiano di sparire

Guardian: Words of warning: 2,500 languages under threat worldwide as migrants...

Unesco unveils its first comprehensive database of endangered tongues in bid to protect them
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Lucrezia Reichlin
Vorname "Christopher" (23093)
Name "Moseley" (161)
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