Claudia Taylor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudia Taylor)


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Claudia Taylor, Fotografin für Bildjournalismus ...
— Profil von Claudia Taylor aus Braunschweig, Fotografin für Bildjournalismus, Werbefotografie, Fotodesign, Das Freelancerverzeichnis für IT ...

Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson, decoration, President | Vice President | First Lady | Mrs. Cheney | News & Policies History & Tours | Kids | Your Government

New Poet Laureate Aims to Build Community Through Words
— Claudia Taylor is soft-spoken, with a vocal cadence that sounds as if she is reciting a verse from a poem. It feels fitting then, ...

Reno County basketball roundup: Hutchinson boys, girls ...
— Charley Baxter and Claudia Taylor each scored points for the Buhler girls in the loss to Mulvane. Emma Stallman scored 5, Natalya Krafels › story › sports ›
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