Claudio Monteverdi und Music Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudio Monteverdi)
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Guardian: Claudio Monteverdi | Music | The Guardian

Comedy choirs, desert rock, a trip to the moon and a musical tour of Hull are the standout sounds of the season. Plus Django Bates jazzes up ...

Claudio Monteverdi "Marienvesper" - StimmStudio Claudia Duschner
Claudio Monteverdi. „Marienvesper“ Vespro della Beata Vergine Claudia Duschner, Sopran Jana Thomas, Sopran Daniell Fourie, Countertenor Goetz Phillip Körner, Tenor Achim Kleinlein, Tenor Tim Stekkelies, Bass Lucas Singer, Bass. esquisite noyse & musica fiata (auf Originalinstrumenten). Essener Projektchor.

Guardian: Monteverdi's Orfeo: 'a brilliant and compelling fable to the › music › aug › monterverdi...

· When Claudio Monteverdi came to compose L'Orfeo in he seems to have had a particular empathy with Orpheus. As a court musician working ...

Raffaele Pe sul palco per Claudio Monteverdi - MetroNews
Domani sera il contro tenore Raffaele Pe interpreterà il repertorio del compositore Claudio Monteverdi al Parco della Musica