News Daniel Bernhofen

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House prices will plummet if Brown insists on building millions of...
Gordon Brown risks sending house prices into crisis if he insists on building millions more homes in Britain, a leading economist warned today.

Govt. plan 'could lead to house price collapse'
... building programme would risk "serious consequences" for homeowners and the economy in general, said Professor Daniel Bernhofen.

Umwelt - Dreckschleudern der Globalisierung: So wichtig und...
In einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie rechnet der deutsche Ökonom Daniel Bernhofen vor: Für die Globalisierung des Handels war die ...

A factor content characterization of the welfare effects from trade:...
A factor content characterization of the welfare effects from trade: evidence from 19th century Japan | Daniel Bernhofen (Nottingham) | Wednesday 10 November ...

CESifo Area Conference on Global Economy | › node
Speakers will include: Sam Kortum (Yale), Douglas Irwin (Dartmouth), Peter Neary (Oxford), Daniel Bernhofen (American University) and Richrd Baldwin (Geneva).

House prices will plummet if Brown insists on building millions › news › Ho...
But Prof Daniel Bernhofen, an economics expert at the Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre, warned the proposals were courting ...

New at DICE Database Forthcoming Conferences - ifo Institut
von PF Index · — Peter Neary (Oxford), Daniel Bernhofen (American Uni- versity) and Richard Baldwin (Geneva). The Global Area sessions will then continue on the afternoon of ... › DocDL › dice-report

UK government could force house price slump, economist warns
— But Professor Daniel Bernhofen, an economics expert at the Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre (GEP), based at the University, ... › ... › Other
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Daniel Bernhofen
John Brown
Vorname "Daniel" (84887)
Name "Bernhofen" (19)