Dario Argento und Horror Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dario Argento)
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Dario Argento: Horror maestro's works screen at National Film and...

His work has been the inspiration for a generation of horror filmmakers, from Wes Craven, to John Carpenter...

'Suspiria' and other creepy classic giallo films

CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE. A restored edition of Dario Argento's seminal supernatural horror film "Suspiria" is coming to FilmBar in Phoenix this weekend. Though it's Argento's most famous film to American audiences, the horror maestro began his career producing pulpy Italian ...

Dracula 3D: il nuovo horror di Dario Argento è tutto da ridere -...

Teste che saltano, effetti speciali anni Settanta: l'ultima pellicola del maestro sembra... una parodia