Declan Murphy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Declan Murphy)


(1 - 4 von 31
) Neurowissenschaft: Baby-Hirne reagieren auf Gefühle in der Stimme -...

Im Alter von nur drei Monaten kann das Gehirn menschliche Stimmen verarbeiten. Das haben Forscher jetzt bei Hirnscans mit Babys herausgefunden. Offenbar...

Gary McKinnon is mentally fit for extradition, report says – Channel...
New evidence seen by Channel 4 News suggests Gary McKinnon is mentally fit enough to be extradited. But the report is by an expert who previously said McKinnon...

Guardian: Declan Murphy: ‘When I woke up, I had no memory of my life as a...

The former jump jockey reveals how he pieced together his missing years – and what it cost his friends and family
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