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Google News: EADS und Trans-Textil gehen mit VAP gemeinsame Wege

[MM Maschinenmarkt] - JEC Composites Show in Paris: Die Partner von EADS und Trans-Textil vor dem in VAP hergestellten Prototypen des D-Jet-Rumpfes von Diamond Aircraft auf

Google News: Scotty wins €2.84m order from Diamond

[Stock Market Wire] - StockMarketWire.com - Video telecommunications group Scotty has received a €2.84m order from Diamond Aircraft Industries to provide aero-certified equipment

Google News: UK Indexes Drop; Betfair IPO

[123Jump.com] - Scotty Group PLC said it received a purchase order from Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH for the provision of aero-certified communications equipment for

Google News: Taking Off with a New Innovative Survey Aircraft

[Amerisurv] - Christian Dries, CEO Diamond Aircraft, ”Covered by the EASA certificate - already obtained in June - the plane is ready for operation without the necessity
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