(1 - 41 von 106
Connecting circles | 3 October
Dietmar Mirkes, Climate Alliance Luxembourg and ASTM Robinson López Descanse & Diego Escobar Guzman, COICA (Colombia); Markus Hafner-Auinger, Climate ...
Spenden von ,79 Euro an ASTM überreicht
— Anlässlich einer Feierstunde im Rathaus in Lorentzweiler konnte Dietmar Mirkes neulich zwei Schecks in Gesamthöhe von ,79 Euro zugunsten ...
Klima-Bündnis - Connecting circles | 3 October
Dietmar Mirkes, Climate Alliance Luxembourg and ASTM Robinson López Descanse & Diego Escobar Guzman, COICA (Colombia) Markus Hafner-Auinger, Climate Alliance Austria; Andreas …
"Loss & Damages" | Caritas Luxembourg
Dietmar Mirkes is an independent geographer and had been working for more than 20 years for the Luxembourgish NGO Action Solidarité Tiers Monde (ASTM) and ... › agenda › l...
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