Dirk Stolz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dirk Stolz)


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Hannah Stolz wins National Taxidermy NewsBreakwww.newsbreak.com › Sioux Falls, SD

Hannah Stolz wins National Taxidermy Championships in Sioux Falls, South Dakota | By Dirk Stolz. By Judy Steffes, article cover. By Judy ...

Jordan Stolz becomes world's youngest Speed skating championkidsnews.top › jordan-stolz-becomes-worlds-younge...

· With the help of his father, Dirk Stolz, Jordan began to skate on the frozen pond in his family's backyard at just five years old. By the ...

Kewaskum's Jordan Stolz fulfills speedskating dream - Spectrum Newsspectrumnews1.com › sports › › jordan-...

· Dirk Stolz works overnights as a Washington County sheriff's deputy while Jane Stolz, a dental hygienist, works during the day so they can ...

Meet the Athletes: Jordan Stolz - KTVHwww.ktvh.com › news › meet-athletes-jordan-stolz

· My father, Dirk Stolz, is a police officer from Germany. He has always been very encouraging about skating. He put outdoor lighting on our ...
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