Edin Causevic und Since December Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edin Causevic)
(1 - 6 von 6

Many doubt Bosnia polls will tackle dysfunctional economy

vor 6 Tagen — "Since December 2021, the price of fuel has risen more than 50 per cent but we have no response from government," says Edin Causevic, ... ›

Many in Bosnia doubt elections will tackle dysfunctional ...Reuters

— "Since December the price of fuel has risen over 50% but we have no response from government," said Edin Causevic, director of — "Since December the price of fuel has risen over 50% but we have no response from government," said Edin Causevic, director of ...

Many in Bosnia doubt elections will tackle dysfunctional MSN

vor 7 Tagen — "Since December the price of fuel has risen over 50% but we have no response from government," said Edin Causevic, director of ... › world › m...