Elise Hübner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elise Hübner)


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SoWa Open Market celebrates final event of the season

— Elise Huebner, 25, gave away free samples of Fire Cider. A drink made primarily of vinegar and honey, Fire Cider was originally concocted as ... › sowa-op...

Nessacus Regional Middle School announces second quarter honor roll /...

Second marking quarter honor roll at Nessacus Regional Middle School in Dalton HIGH HONORS-Grade point average between 90 and No grades below No...

Austin College students spend summer in vocational exploration ...www.ntxe-news.com › publish › printer_36168

· Elise Huebner, Westlake High School, daughter of Jan Allen and Don Huebner, Travis County Sheriff's Office in Austin, exploring crime scene ...

Students participate in hands-on, independent study during Austin...

... Stephen F. Austin High School, daughter of Virginia and Brent Hill, Oak Hill Elementary in Austin, TX; Elise Huebner, Westlake High School, ...
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