Elvis Costello Person-Info 

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Google News: Jonathan Wilson - Gentle Spirit

[ClashMusic.com] - Wilson has learnt his craft impeccably, having previously played for Elvis Costello, Jenny Lewis and Jackson Browne amongst others, and 'Gentle Spirit' serves to unleash his own voice, even if it is a slightly stoned whisper.

Guardian: New music: Girls – Vomit

[The Guardian (blog)] - Owens wrote candidly about his past, while White added touches of Elvis Costello, the Beach Boys and Ariel Pink (whose band, Holy Shit, Owens used to be in). Last year they released the six-track EP Broken Dreams Club, a bruised collection of songs

Google News: Lucinda Williams: Blessed

[Puls] - Den elektriske gitaren behandles av Elvis Costello, og siden dukker han også opp som backing vokalist. Skulle bare mangle; man har ikke selveste Elvis i studio, uten å slippe ham til foran mikrofonen. Som vanlig skriver Lucinda Williams alle sine

NPR Features Brown Bird's Show-Stealing Newport Folk Festival Set

[Altsounds.com] - The band played the Newport Folk Festival this past weekend, and among a handful of great performances from everyone from Elvis Costello to The Decemberists, Brown Bird had the home court advantage and set the roof off of the Harbor Stage
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