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Spiegel.de: Heute in den Feuilletons: Patriotisch glühende Moderatoren
[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Der "Freitag" greift die Debatte über Filmkritik im Netz auf. Die "Berliner Zeitung" fragt: Wozu Books on Demand, wenn es elektronische Lesegeräte gibt? Die "FAZ" hat gründlich recherchiert und findet ihre Thesen über Glucksmann und Levy und Georgien und Amerika und Israel bestätigt.
Guardian: Enid Blyton had racist views. But I still read her | Books | The ...www.theguardian.com › sep › enid...
Criticising past authors for their views doesn't mean we must consign their books to the scrapheap, says Guardian books editor Sian Cain.
Adorable Enid Blyton fan aged 5 goes viral with serious complaint...
The children's detective books have been keeping young ones entertained for decades, but one reader's got an issue with them
Enid Blyton is the UK's best-loved writer - Bangalore Mirrorbangaloremirror.indiatimes.com › ...
Enid Blyton is best known for her Famous Five, Secret Seven series and Noddy books Facebook; Twitter; Linkedin; Email. Share. Facebook ...
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