Enid Blyton und Famous Five Person-Info 

( Ich bin Enid Blyton)
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Guardian: Enid Blyton's Famous Five to get big screen adventure | Books | The...

UK film production company Working Title acquires theatrical rights to whole library of Famous Five series

Enid Blyton is the UK's best-loved writer - Bangalore Mirrorbangaloremirror.indiatimes.com › ...

Enid Blyton is best known for her Famous Five, Secret Seven series and Noddy books Facebook; Twitter; Linkedin; Email. Share. Facebook ...

Reading Enid Blyton's Famous Five might make you a better person - RN...

Enid Blyton wrote the Famous Five 75 years ago, but for one philosopher at Cambridge University, Blyton's work is the source of a surprising moral lesson and,...

Guardian: Enid Blyton's Famous Five get 21st-century makeover | Books | The...

No more 'jolly japes' and 'lashings of pop' as dated language is revamped for new generation of readers