Eva Sparks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eva Sparks)


Photos of Eva — Sparks News

We've added some photos of Eva on the photos page. To get there go to the top of the page and click on the Photos tab. ← Finally Here!!!

Crawford County Property Transfers - Galion Inquirer

The following property transfers were recorded in Crawford County during September 2016: Brenda K. Harris to Jeremy S. Knisely, Remlinger Rd., Crestline, $

Letter to the Editor: Letters to the Editor ( ) | Greene County...

Rick and Eva Sparks - Worthington. Bruce Button - Worthington. Adrienne Hughes. Chris Walhem. Delissa Sissman. Terri Veatch. Marilyn Fines.

Nevada Daily Mail: Anniversaries: Sparks years ( )

The family of Lee and Eva Sparks will celebrate their parents' 60th wedding anniversary on Aug. 31, 2006, in Kansas City. The former Eva ...
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