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ICC prosecutor seeks Afghanistan war crimes investigation - BBC News
The actions of US forces, the Taliban and the Afghan government could all come under scrutiny.
ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says her U.S. visa has been revoked -...
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said last month that Washington would revoke or deny visas to ICC staff seeking to investigate alleged war crimes and other...
'I will arrest you': Duterte warns ICC lawyer to steer clear of...
ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in February announced the start of a preliminary examination into a complaint by a Philippine lawyer which ...
Aktuelles vom 19. September – 16. Elul | DIG Saar
Im baden-württembergischen Schwäbisch Gmünd ist am Sonntag der Israel- Kongress „Segen und Versöhnung“ zu Ende gegangen Since January 2015, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has been preliminarily examining Israel and “ Palestine” for alleged war crimes violations relating to the Gaza ...
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