Fejzullah Krasniqi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fejzullah Krasniqi)


Kosova Daily Report #1570,

Local residents said they called today international agencies based in Kosova to visit the village and witness ho badly the body of Fejzullah Krasniqi was mutilated.

Ademi në Tiranë në ceremoninë e dhënies së titullit "Doctor...

Ademi në Tiranë në ceremoninë e dhënies së titullit "Doctor Honoris Causa" akademikut Fejzullah Krasniqi. më Yll Press. › news › ademi-ne-tira...

Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo (20) - Worldkings

— The heads of the divisions include Eqrem Basha, Jusuf Bajraktari, Fejzullah Krasniqi and Luan Mulliqi. › world-top
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