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Zarin Alexandra
Zarin Alexandra Feodorovna | Aquamarine Aquamarin-Schmuck und Juwelen der Romanoffs,der russischen Zarin | Imperial Diamonds - Alix, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna …
Princess Dagmar
Reburial of Empress Maria Feodorovna (Princess Dagmar of Denmark) in Copenhagen - Part 2 (2006). Reburial of Empress Maria Feodorovna (Princess ...
Johann Bauscher
Johann Bauscher (b 1968) W Grand Duchess Viktoria Feodorovna of Russia → Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of Russia, Princess of Prussia (1909–1967) 155.
Adolf Gebert
Gebens,Adolf Gebert,Andreas Gebhard,Wilhelmina Feodorovna Gebhardt,Eduard Karl Franz von Gebrüder Limburg, Geddes,Andrew Geddes,William Gedleck,Ludwick
Prinzessin Dagmar
... Schmuck und Juwelen der russischen Zarin Marie Feodorovna, Sapphire Parure of Empress Marie Feodorovna wife of Tsar Alexander III, Prinzessin Dagmar ...
Xenia Michel
Eventail de Maria Feodorovna - 1886: Avec le portrait 'Alexandre III son époux et de ses enfants Nicolas, Georges, Xenia, Michel et Olga Posté par MARIE un …
Serge Schmuck
Ella, Grossfürstin Serge Schmuck |Jewels Romanov Grandduchess Elisabeth Feodorovna | Pearl and Diamond Tiara. Ella, Grossfürstin Serge ...
Dagmar Of
Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark). Maria Feodorovna (26 November 1847 13 October 1928), born Princess Dagmar of ...
Lyubov Kus
Lyubov Feodorovna. ... Nun ist es an der Zeit den Fo kus auf die konkrete Anwendung zu legen ..., feodorovna
Julia Geringer
I asked about Maria Feodorovna Geringer's maiden name because we thought that Adelung was the maiden name of Julia Geringer. I was kind of hoping that Maria …
Michael Eytzinger
Cecilia de Baden (Olga Feodorovna): It is also known as: the Eytzinger Method, for Michael Eytzinger, the German ..., feodorovna
Mary Convent
Das Buch Elizabeth Feodorovna: The Martha-Mary Convent: And Rule of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr jetzt portofrei kaufen. Mehr von Elizabeth Feodorovna gibt ...
Alexandra Borki
RARE original photograph, of czar Nicholas II and empress Alexandra Feodorovna visiting the church in Borki on August 20, 1898. The church was built on the …
Ulrike Of
Princess Juliane Henriette Ulrike of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld ( ... Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna of Russia, was a German princess of the ducal ... Countess ...
Alexandra Romanov
Zarin Alexandra Feodorovna | Aquamarine Aquamarin-Schmuck und Juwelen der Romanoffs,der russischen Zarin | Imperial Diamonds - Alix, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna …