Ferdinand Kostalek Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ferdinand Kostalek)


The Long Island advance. (Patchogue, N.Y.) current, February ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › seq-26

Ferdinand Kostalek of Robinson Avenue returned to his home last week , after spending ten days at the Brookhaven Memorial Hospi- tal , where he received ...

Archives Long Island Advance - screawww.screanews.us › ScreaNews1203 › YearsAgo1207

Ferdinand Kostalek, Mrs. Henry Wannamaker and Mrs. Mary Wagen at her home last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bigora of Lake Avenue, Center ...

The Long Island advance. (Patchogue, N.Y.) current, July 19,...

Mrs. Edward Martin of Tremont A venue entertained Mrs. Ferdinand Kostalek , Mrs. Henry Wannamaker and Mrs. Mary Wagen at her home , last Thursday ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ferdinand Kostalek
Annegret Kostalek
Vorname "Ferdinand" (6737)
Name "Kostalek" (7)
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