News Florian Lemmerich

(1 - 5 von 6

LWA/KDML : Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and...
LWA/KDML : Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning

Onderzoek: Waarom wordt Wikipedia gelezen? - Wikinieuws
"Why the world reads Wikipedia: What we learned about reader motivation from a recent research study" , Florian Lemmerich (RWTH Aachen ...

MUSE : 6th International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitious and...
MUSE : 6th International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitious and Social Environments

Schedule | ECML-PKDD 2012
Martin Atzmueller (University of Kassel), Florian Lemmerich (University of Wuerzburg). Association Rule Mining Following the Web Search Paradigm