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Mustique: Celebrity villas in the Caribbean
[Telegraph.co.uk] - The villa is called Taliesin, a name shared by a sixth-century Welsh poet and two homes built for Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin (1911) and Arizona (1937).
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, First Solar and Big Green Zero...
Marks Completion of the First Phase of the Energizing Taliesin WestTM Initiative The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation today inaugurated a new 250-kilowattAC
Bauder Lecture: Unpacking Frank Lloyd Wright's Archive and Career |...
Second Annual Center Bauder Lecture CRANBROOK CENTER FOR COLLECTIONS AND RESEARCH PRESENTS Unpacking Frank Lloyd Wright's Archive and Career: From Taliesin to Detroit and New York Lecture and Conversation with Architectural Historian and Curator Barry Bergdoll The Lecture will be followed by a ...
Flashback: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin was a refuge for illicit...
Frank Lloyd Wright built his beloved Taliesin as a sanctuary for his romance with Mamah Borthwick and to support his experimental work in ...
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