Frank Zierenberg und International Forum Design Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frank Zierenberg)
(1 - 11 von 15

TOSHIBA TEC gewinnt begehrten internationalen iF Product Design Award
Die deutsche iF International Forum Design GmbH hat den hochentwickelten DB-EA4D-Etikettendrucker von TOSHIBA TEC mit einem der renommiertesten Designpreise...

Info Talks - How to win an iF DESIGN AWARD | iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE
... the gathering will give opportunity to discuss with Frank Zierenberg, Project Director from iF International Forum Design, about a successful ...

Sennheiser honored by iF for 50 years of design excellence
Wedemark, November 15, – “The company continuously sets the trends in the audio industry”: this is how iF International Forum Design congratulated...