Fred Stein und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fred Stein)
(1 - 28 von 32
) Exhibition of Fred Stein Photography Opens at Berlin Jewish Museum -...

You might not know the man behind them, but you surely know his images. Fred Stein fled Germany and became a talented photographer of both street scenes and...

Book Launch: Paris New York by Fred Stein, with Peter Stein › events › book-launch-paris...
Fred Stein's photographs reflect a world seen with poignant clarity. Born in Dresden, Germany in 1909, he became a brilliant law student and fervent anti-​Nazi ...

Fred Stein | The New › goings-on-about-town › art
Fred Stein. The lawyer-turned-photographer—who fled Germany in the nineteen-​thirties, moving first to Paris and then to New York—was easily overshadowed ...

Report from Exile – Photographs by Fred Stein – › English › Exhibitions
· Fred Stein's work is inextricably linked to German history. Having fled Germany in 1933, the trained lawyer took up the profession of photographer ...