Gabriela Solomon Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gabriela Solomon)


2019: Baking for the Better | Muhlenberg College
Congresswoman Susan Wild, flanked by Challah for Hunger Co-Presidents Gabriela Solomon '20 (R) and Natalie David '22 (L) and other ...

Hillel goes wild for challah - The Muhlenberg Weekly
At the event, Challah for Hunger co-presidents Gabriela Solomon '20 and Natalie David '22 explained the mission of the organization. “We are ...

Târgul de inventică, noutate la Şcoala de Iarnă a Educaţiei de...
... despre importanţa dezvoltării potenţialului individual de la Marian Staş, Răzvan Crişan, Gabriela Solomon, Corina Buţi, Alexandru Bordea, ...
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