Gavin Rossdale Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gavin Rossdale)


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People: Add hole in the heart to Bret Michaels' woes
[AZ] - The singer recently claimed to have had an affair with rocker Gavin Rossdale while he was seeing now-wife Gwen Stefani.

Google News: Courtney Love confessa que teve um caso com Kate Moss

[TVI24] - Recentemente, a viúva de Kurt Cobain revelou também ter tido um relacionamento com o músico Gavin Rossdale, actualmente casado com Gwen Stefani.

Pearl Lowe suffers miscarriage
[] - She said that her model daughter Daisy Lowe, 21, whose father is Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale, had also been very pleased to hear the news of her pregnancy.

Maybe-pregnant Gwen Stefani spotted at the lady doctor
[Los Angeles Times (blog)] - Our spotter said Stefani, sans husband Gavin Rossdale, was at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where her boys Kingston and Zuma were both delivered.
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