German Wall Person-Info 

( Ich bin German Wall)


(1 - 4 von 16

Former E. German Wall guard recalls
A former East German border guard says he was "no hero" for allowing people to swarm over the Berlin Wall the night the communist regime ...

German wall too strong for Argentina | Deccan Herald
Germanys young guns on Saturday humbled Argentina 4-0 with a display of incisive football in the Green Point stadium here to book a berth in the World Cup...

Analysis - France runs into German wall on EU growth drive | Reuters
French efforts to divert Europe from economic austerity have foundered twice in a week due to German resistance, underlining a growing policy divide that is...

Guardian: Berlin Wall 50 years on: families divided, loved ones lost | World...

Half a century after the infamous German wall was built, two ex-East Berliners look back at how it changed their lives forever
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Person "Wall" (5)
Name "Wall" (1932)
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